Welcome to Excision.
Before we set off on our adventure, I think it's only fair to give you some provisions for your journey. They come mostly in the form of the basic philosophy of Excision. You're going to be playing the role of an Agent who runs into some unique circumstances which are going to require some equally unique talents. But I'm sure you're up for the job.
The basic objective of Excision is to complete a number of stages. There will also be an accompanying story, but I'll explain up front that the basic template for each stage is (with some variations):
1. Read the story. It provides important context for the stage, and it’s entertaining!
2. Work through the puzzle at that stage.
3. Uncover the password necessary to unlock the next stage/clue.
4. Find the location of the next stage/clue.
5. Repeat.
The game itself has a few main themes, which closely echo the themes of this blog. Computers and programming are really exciting subjects, not to mention increasingly ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, they can seem intimidating to learn. I'm hoping these stages can walk you through a few of the basics. Of course, since this is a bioinformatics blog, there's an emphasis on computing in biology, but the skills necessary to complete the stages are useful in any field. There is almost always more than one way to get to the next stage. Think creatively. Think logically. Talk to other people; sometimes people think about things in different ways.
Of course, what's a game without a prize? The first person to complete the final stage of the puzzle will be the winner of $50! The $50 can be sent directly to you (cash or check) or donated in your name to your favorite charity.
Additionally, here's a brief reminder that, while anyone can play Excision, to be eligible for the prize you have to like the new Facebook page for the blog: www.facebook.com/WhatIsBioinformatics
I'm trying to separate my personal Facebook account from the blog, and this is a good way of doing it. More importantly for the game, the Facebook page is the platform of the referral/reward system.
The Facebook page is how you can earn personalized hints in order to complete Excision more quickly. Games are always more entertaining when played with friends, so invite yours to like the page and help you solve the challenges. Below are the specifics of how to earn and spend hints:
• If someone mentions your name in a comment or a post on the Facebook page, you earn 1 hint.
• If you share the Facebook page on your Facebook account, you earn 2 hints.
• Special “Bonus Hints” times will give Agents unique ways to earn extra hints.
• You can spend hints by sending a private message to the Facebook page.
• In the message, describe how you earned your hint (Comment/Share/Bonus Hints).
• If you earned your hint via a comment, include the name of the person who mentioned you.
• Include whatever question you want to have answered.
• While responses may not be immediate, one of our team members will get back to you within 24 hours.
• Questions asked can be retracted, for whatever reason, at any point before a clue has been given by sending the message “Please ignore the previous question”.
• Retracted questions will not cost a hint.
• Hints can be stockpiled indefinitely and do not need to be spent any given time, even during Bonus Hints.
A copy of the official rules for the Excision contest may be found at http://tinyurl.com/oq3aw4r. Continuing to the first level from this blog post implies that you have read and accepted the rules and that you know what it takes to be eligible for the prize.
Note that this is Base Camp. A few of the stages are located here, though they're encrypted and password-protected. When you’re not sure where to go next, always try returning here.
A final tip: a good Agent, like a good scientist, always cHecks their source, not jusT the source of the inforMation he/she is currently looking at but also aLl the way back to the beginning.
Have fun and enjoy Excision!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Protein Folding Answer
I need to issue a disclaimer before anything else. The script below is most definitely NOT the answer to protein folding. In fact, I make no claims at all about the efficacy of this code beyond it's rudimentary ability to fold the beta-hairpin shown here. This code is just a homework assignment and learning experience for me. I believe the code is decently well commented for anyone who's working with PyRosetta themselves. MAYBE this can be used at a starting point.
I'm also not going to go through the code section by section as I did for the sequence similarity code, but here's a brief discussion of what the script is supposed to accomplish:
1. First the peptide has to be generated. It's what we are going to fold in this program.
2. Since we know we're making a beta-hairpin, we use knowledge based design to set the basic starting point angles of the backbone.
3. Then we go through a million or so cycles of what amounts to three steps:
i. Randomly shift the peptide by some amount.
ii. Calculate the energy score of the new position compared to the old one. (Since we know we're looking for hydrogen bonds, we add an extra bonus for moves that potentially form h-bonds)
iii. Decide whether to accept the new position of the peptide, or to reject it and keep the old position. This decision is based on the Metropolis Criteria.
4. As the folding simulation progresses we periodically output the energy score to see how things are going.
5. At the end of the run, we save the new peptide so we can view it later.
In a way, the steps above are deceptively simply. There are only a few processes and they're fairly straightforward. On the other hand, the theory underlying these steps are very powerful. More importantly, the amount of refinement that can be build on top of these steps is enormous.
At the beginning of the simulation, the peptide is just a straight chain:
I'm also not going to go through the code section by section as I did for the sequence similarity code, but here's a brief discussion of what the script is supposed to accomplish:
1. First the peptide has to be generated. It's what we are going to fold in this program.
2. Since we know we're making a beta-hairpin, we use knowledge based design to set the basic starting point angles of the backbone.
3. Then we go through a million or so cycles of what amounts to three steps:
i. Randomly shift the peptide by some amount.
ii. Calculate the energy score of the new position compared to the old one. (Since we know we're looking for hydrogen bonds, we add an extra bonus for moves that potentially form h-bonds)
iii. Decide whether to accept the new position of the peptide, or to reject it and keep the old position. This decision is based on the Metropolis Criteria.
4. As the folding simulation progresses we periodically output the energy score to see how things are going.
5. At the end of the run, we save the new peptide so we can view it later.
In a way, the steps above are deceptively simply. There are only a few processes and they're fairly straightforward. On the other hand, the theory underlying these steps are very powerful. More importantly, the amount of refinement that can be build on top of these steps is enormous.
At the beginning of the simulation, the peptide is just a straight chain:
By the end, the peptide has folded and formed hydrogen bond. The cartoon representation of the peptide shows that it does appear to be a beta-hairpin.
Below is dumped the code used to make this transformation. If you have questions about any of the specifics, I'd be happy to try to answer them. For those of you looking for the actual answer to the protein folding problem sorry for the disappointment.
Maybe next time. Cheers!!
"""Import necessary libraries and initialize rosetta""" import random import math from rosetta import * from rosetta.PyMolLink import * init() """Generate the beta-hairpin pose and score it""" strand = "AAAAA" #alanine end residues turn = "GG" #glycine turn residues hairpin = strand+turn+strand #combine to make hairpin pose = pose_from_sequence(hairpin,"fa_standard") #Create Rosetta pose fa = get_fa_scorefxn() #Initialize a scoring function fa(pose) #Score the hairpin pose.dump_pdb("start1.pdb") #Generate an image of the starting structure pose.set_psi(5,90) #Set starting angle pose.set_phi(6,60) #Set starting angle pose.set_psi(6,-120) #Set starting angle pose.set_phi(7,-80) #Set starting angle pose.set_psi(7,0) #Set starting angle pose.set_phi(8,-120) #Set starting angle """Initialize variables""" old_pose = Pose() #Initialize empty poses for later low_pose = Pose() #Initialize empty poses for later max_temp = 100 #Initial temperature for metropolis and annealing current_temp = max_temp #Current temperature will drop through cycles max_cycles = 1000000 #How many moves you want to make low_energy = 10000 #Will store the value of lowest energy conformation constraint_weight = 0.5 #Parameter for how much h-bond distances matter ideal_dist = 0.29 #The proper distance for an h-bond between the alanines """Begin iterating through moves""" for i in range(0,max_cycles): #Loop through the all the cycles """Update accept flag, and the old pose/energy/score""" old_pose.assign(pose) #Set the old_pose fa(old_pose) #Score the old pose old_energy = fa.score(old_pose) #Define variable for the energy of old pose old_score = old_energy #Alias old_energy, to use old_score for hbond constraining """Move given angle or angles by a chosen amount.""" current_residue = random.randint(1,pose.total_residue()) #Choose the residue to move from a uniform distribution curr_phi = pose.phi(current_residue) #Set the current phi angle to be moved curr_psi = pose.psi(current_residue) #Set the current psi angle to be moved angle_shift = random.gauss(0,25*(float(i)/float(max_cycles))) #As the folding progresses, move the angle(s) by a smaller amount if(random.random()<(float(i)/float(max_cycles))): #As the folding progresses, make the probability of a shear move increase pose.set_phi(current_residue,curr_phi+angle_shift) #Set the new phi angle (shear move) pose.set_psi(current_residue,curr_psi-angle_shift) #Set the new psi angle (shear move) elif(random.random()<0 data-blogger-escaped--0.01="" data-blogger-escaped--="" data-blogger-escaped-.5="" data-blogger-escaped-0:="" data-blogger-escaped-0="" data-blogger-escaped-1000="" data-blogger-escaped-3="" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-above="" data-blogger-escaped-accept:="" data-blogger-escaped-accept="" data-blogger-escaped-accepted="" data-blogger-escaped-accepting="" data-blogger-escaped-actions="" data-blogger-escaped-addition="" data-blogger-escaped-after="" data-blogger-escaped-alculate="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-angle="" data-blogger-escaped-angle_shift="" data-blogger-escaped-appropriate="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-as="" data-blogger-escaped-atom="" data-blogger-escaped-atoms="" data-blogger-escaped-ave="" data-blogger-escaped-bad="" data-blogger-escaped-between="" data-blogger-escaped-bonding="" data-blogger-escaped-change="" data-blogger-escaped-chosen="" data-blogger-escaped-code="" data-blogger-escaped-constraining="" data-blogger-escaped-constraint_weight="" data-blogger-escaped-core="" data-blogger-escaped-criteria="" data-blogger-escaped-cterm="pose.residue(12-2*k)" data-blogger-escaped-cterm_pos="Cterm.xyz(" data-blogger-escaped-curr_phi="" data-blogger-escaped-curr_psi="" data-blogger-escaped-current="" data-blogger-escaped-current_residue="" data-blogger-escaped-current_temp="max_temp*(math.exp(-1*max_cycles**-1))" data-blogger-escaped-delta_e="" data-blogger-escaped-dimentions="" data-blogger-escaped-dist="dist" data-blogger-escaped-distance="" data-blogger-escaped-each="" data-blogger-escaped-ecide="" data-blogger-escaped-edo="" data-blogger-escaped-efine="" data-blogger-escaped-else:="" data-blogger-escaped-end="" data-blogger-escaped-energy:="" data-blogger-escaped-energy="" data-blogger-escaped-epeat="" data-blogger-escaped-eset="" data-blogger-escaped-estore="" data-blogger-escaped-et="" data-blogger-escaped-f="" data-blogger-escaped-fa="" data-blogger-escaped-file="" data-blogger-escaped-final="" data-blogger-escaped-find="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-folding="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-hbond="" data-blogger-escaped-hbonding="" data-blogger-escaped-heck="" data-blogger-escaped-here="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-ideal_dist-old_dist="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-inal="" data-blogger-escaped-ind="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-isn="" data-blogger-escaped-iterations="" data-blogger-escaped-j="" data-blogger-escaped-just="" data-blogger-escaped-k="" data-blogger-escaped-lias="" data-blogger-escaped-low_energy="" data-blogger-escaped-low_pose.assign="" data-blogger-escaped-low_pose.dump_pdb="" data-blogger-escaped-lower="" data-blogger-escaped-lowest="" data-blogger-escaped-math.fabs="" data-blogger-escaped-math.pow="" data-blogger-escaped-max_cycles="" data-blogger-escaped-metropolis="" data-blogger-escaped-move="" data-blogger-escaped-moves="" data-blogger-escaped-new="" data-blogger-escaped-new_dist="math.sqrt(dist)" data-blogger-escaped-new_energy="" data-blogger-escaped-new_score="new_score+math.fabs(ideal_dist-new_dist)*constraint_weight" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-nterm="pose.residue(1+2*k)" data-blogger-escaped-nterm_pos="Nterm.xyz(" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-old="" data-blogger-escaped-old_dist="math.sqrt(dist)" data-blogger-escaped-old_energy="" data-blogger-escaped-old_pose="" data-blogger-escaped-old_score="" data-blogger-escaped-one="" data-blogger-escaped-onte_carlo_2-blog2.pdb="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-other="" data-blogger-escaped-outcome.="" data-blogger-escaped-pair="" data-blogger-escaped-pdate="" data-blogger-escaped-pdb="" data-blogger-escaped-phi="" data-blogger-escaped-pose.="" data-blogger-escaped-pose.assign="" data-blogger-escaped-pose.set_phi="" data-blogger-escaped-pose.set_psi="" data-blogger-escaped-pose="" data-blogger-escaped-poses="" data-blogger-escaped-pre="" data-blogger-escaped-print="" data-blogger-escaped-probability="" data-blogger-escaped-process="" data-blogger-escaped-progress="" data-blogger-escaped-psi="" data-blogger-escaped-r="" data-blogger-escaped-range="" data-blogger-escaped-residue="" data-blogger-escaped-residues="" data-blogger-escaped-rint="" data-blogger-escaped-runs="" data-blogger-escaped-save="" data-blogger-escaped-score.="" data-blogger-escaped-score="" data-blogger-escaped-script="" data-blogger-escaped-second="" data-blogger-escaped-set="" data-blogger-escaped-shear="" data-blogger-escaped-so="" data-blogger-escaped-spacial="" data-blogger-escaped-statements="" data-blogger-escaped-str="" data-blogger-escaped-structure="" data-blogger-escaped-t="" data-blogger-escaped-take="" data-blogger-escaped-temperature="" data-blogger-escaped-term_pos="" data-blogger-escaped-than="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-until="" data-blogger-escaped-update="" data-blogger-escaped-use="" data-blogger-escaped-utoff="" data-blogger-escaped-value="" data-blogger-escaped-values="" data-blogger-escaped-variable="" data-blogger-escaped-very="" data-blogger-escaped-whether="" data-blogger-escaped-with="">
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The Protein Folding Problem
First, if you've never had the opportunity to visit xkcd, I highly suggest you do it. It's a wonderful website. My personal favorite is the What If? feature. Read one of them; you'll like it. The comic relevant to this post is:
If you're unfamiliar with the protein folding problem, let me briefly set the stage. Imagine a protein made of 100 amino acids linked together in a chain. The protein has to figure out where to put each of these amino acids relative to each other, in order to work properly. (As an aside, proteins which fail to fold properly have implications to many horrible diseases.) For simplicity, let's also image that each of the amino acids can take one of 2 positions. This implies that the protein can take 2100 positions. This may or may not seem like a lot of choices to you. Try putting 2100 into WolframAlpha. It works out to be 1267650600228229401496703205376 different positions, and only one of them is right.
To think about this number a different way, consider having 100 computers that will each check a trillion of these different possibilities a second. That's pretty good, right? Actually, it's not even close. It's going to take you approximately ~400,000,000 years to be able to look at all possibilities. It's absolutely impossible to fold a protein this way. It's not how nature does it, and it isn't how we attempt to do it either. Instead, the general hypothesis is that as the protein begins to fold into a favorable/proper state, it lowers it's energy, which basically crosses certain possibilities off the list without even having to check. The usual analogy is a folding funnel:
So, while all spaces on the funnel are technically possible, the protein is almost always just going to fall down the funnel. When scientist try to fold proteins, they use this funnel analogy as a method for only checking some of the possible conformations. But they check intelligently, mostly looking at the positions that have a high chance of being the natural shape of the protein.
The specifics of how to implement such a search on a computer can get as technical as you like. But a teaching tool called PyRosetta has been made that allows students like me (and you?) to get a pretty good idea of whats going on and what tools we have available to us. In my next post I'll show you a very simple script written for class that allows for the folding of a short peptide.
Until next time, cheers.
If you're unfamiliar with the protein folding problem, let me briefly set the stage. Imagine a protein made of 100 amino acids linked together in a chain. The protein has to figure out where to put each of these amino acids relative to each other, in order to work properly. (As an aside, proteins which fail to fold properly have implications to many horrible diseases.) For simplicity, let's also image that each of the amino acids can take one of 2 positions. This implies that the protein can take 2100 positions. This may or may not seem like a lot of choices to you. Try putting 2100 into WolframAlpha. It works out to be 1267650600228229401496703205376 different positions, and only one of them is right.
To think about this number a different way, consider having 100 computers that will each check a trillion of these different possibilities a second. That's pretty good, right? Actually, it's not even close. It's going to take you approximately ~400,000,000 years to be able to look at all possibilities. It's absolutely impossible to fold a protein this way. It's not how nature does it, and it isn't how we attempt to do it either. Instead, the general hypothesis is that as the protein begins to fold into a favorable/proper state, it lowers it's energy, which basically crosses certain possibilities off the list without even having to check. The usual analogy is a folding funnel:
So, while all spaces on the funnel are technically possible, the protein is almost always just going to fall down the funnel. When scientist try to fold proteins, they use this funnel analogy as a method for only checking some of the possible conformations. But they check intelligently, mostly looking at the positions that have a high chance of being the natural shape of the protein.
The specifics of how to implement such a search on a computer can get as technical as you like. But a teaching tool called PyRosetta has been made that allows students like me (and you?) to get a pretty good idea of whats going on and what tools we have available to us. In my next post I'll show you a very simple script written for class that allows for the folding of a short peptide.
Until next time, cheers.
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